Sohee Kang

Sohee Kang
Department of Computer & Mathematical Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
Professor Sohee Kang received her PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Toronto and joined the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences and the Centre for Teaching and Learning in 2013. She is also a Statistics Coordinator in the Mathematics and Statistics Learning Centre and is dedicated to not only providing statistical consultations for faculty and graduate students, but to also increasing interest in, and passion for, statistical knowledge and pedagogy in general.
Professor Kang is active in both developing and testing new pedagogical technologies to facilitate students’ learning and to maximize teaching effectiveness. She is currently on the development team creating a mathematics communication and collaboration environment for the classroom, a Web-based application called MC2 (Mathematics Classroom Collaborator). Professor Kang implemented gamification features on the online homework system, WeBWorK. She adopted and further developed an innovative assessment technique, Immediate Feedback Collaborative Assessment Tool (IFCAT) in weekly tutorials that works on any Internet-connected device and is integrated with a leaderboard to encourage student engagement.
These innovations have also been featured in her research publications and have received internal and external funding. Beyond the University, she has also taken on educational leadership roles at both the Statistical Society of Canada and the international statistical literacy project.