Laura Tam

Dean Laura Tam

Laura Tam

Interim Dean, Faculty of Dentistry

Professor Laura Tam’s appointment as Interim Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry has been extended until June 30, 2025. Professor Laura Tam was appointment Interim Dean beginning in July 2022. Professor Tam served as the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education, at the Faculty of Dentistry. She has also served as the Director of the Comprehensive Care Program at the Faculty, and the Course Coordinator for the Third Year Comprehensive Care Program and Third Year Restorative Dentistry Course.

Professor Tam’s research in restorative dentistry explores vital tooth bleaching and dental restorative materials. In 2015, Professor Tam received the W.W. Wood Award for Excellence in Dental Education from the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry for the University of Toronto.

Professor Tam received her MS and PhD in Dental Surgery from the University of Toronto.

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