Kerry Taylor

Kerry Taylor
Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
Faculty of Arts and Science
Professor Taylor joined the Centre for Criminology and SocioLegal Studies (CrimSL) in the Faculty of Arts and Science in 2016, as an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream.
Professor Taylor taught in the Woodsworth College Academic Bridging Program, an access-based program offering a wide-range of individualized academic supports and critical skills development. At present, she uses socio-legal and holistic methods and theories to teach in CrimSL in the areas of penology/abolition, bioethics, human rights, Indigenous/settler relations and legal pluralism, interpersonal violence, immigration, and youth justice. Professor Taylor is also working with University of Toronto Ethics Society and Law colleague, Professor Simone Weil Davis, to create experiential co-learning opportunities for University of Toronto and incarcerated students within Ontario correctional facilities.
Professor Taylor’s fellowship will focus on the design of a fourth-year undergraduate course which expands upon her existing third-year, “Indigenous Peoples and Criminal Justice” offering. It will be structured around enhanced experiential and community-led learning and land-based pedagogy, which will offer students the opportunity to challenge their own understandings of about law, settler colonialism, crime, justice and Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Working in collaboration with the faculty of Indigenous Studies, Professor Taylor plans to develop relationships between Indigenous communities and University of Toronto CrimSL students rooted in relevance, respect, reciprocity, and responsibility. She will engage storytelling methodologies to share how students translate their own ways of coming to know about who they are, and what their responsibilities are towards this land and its original peoples.