Heather Boon
Heather Boon
Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Professor Heather Boon serves as Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life. Reporting to the Provost and working closely with Deans and other academic leaders throughout the institution, her primary area of responsibility is academic personnel issues. Relatedly, the Office of Faculty & Academic Life has responsibility for the development and oversight of a wide variety of policies and programs to support the institutional goal of appointing, promoting, and retaining the strongest and most promising faculty for the University and its students. In addition, Vice-Provost Boon has designated authority, from the Provost, over all academic integrity matters.
Professor Heather Boon was first appointed to the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, U of T in 1999 and served as Dean of the Faculty from 2014-18. She also holds cross-appointments with the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and is a licensed pharmacist.
Her research, which focuses on the safety and efficacy of traditional, complementary and integrative health practices and products, and related regulatory and policy issues, has been supported by over $10 million of competitive research grants. She has published more than 180 peer-reviewed articles and numerous book chapters, policy reports, and textbooks. Her most widely cited research critically explores models of integrating traditional and complementary medicine into health care systems, the professionalization projects of traditional and complementary health care practitioner groups in Canada, and approaches to regulating natural health products in Canada and around the world.
Professor Boon has held key administrative roles at U of T and in a variety of national and international associations. She is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.