Planning & Policy
COVID-19: U of T’s Roadmap
The University of Toronto is committed to a safe return to our campuses for all students, faculty, librarians and staff, with as much on-campus activity as is practicable, sensible, and safe. This roadmap serves as a guide to our community as we develop and undertake the process of returning to research, course instruction and other activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read more about U of T’s roadmap.
Recent Reports
- Report on the Time to Tenure and Promotion (March 2025)
- Progress Report on the Implementation of the Findings of the Tri-Campus Review (2018-2020) (May 2023)
- Final Report of the 2022 Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (July 2022)
- Report of the Advisory Group on Lifelong Learning Opportunities (May 2021)
- Report of the Data Governance Committee: Towards an Institutional Data Governance Program (February 2020)
- Report on Student Health and Well-Being: Findings From the National College Health Assessment (January 2017)
- Final Report of the Steering Committee for the U of T Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada (January 2017)
- Final Report of the Presidential and Provostial Advisory Committee on Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence (February 2016)
- Report of the Provostial Advisory Committee on Student Mental Health (October 2014)
- Review Report: School of Graduate Studies (May 2014)
- Report on the University of Toronto Student Societies Summit (April 2014)
- Report of the Joint Working Group on Undergraduate Tutorials (March 2014)
- Report of the Provostial Committee on Graduate Student Financial Support (January 2014)
Other Reports
- Classroom Technology Standards (2007)
- Enrolment Reports
- International Studies (2008)
- Measuring our Performance
- Outreach Activities (2008)
- Performance Indicators
- Review of HLTHD04H3-S: Special Topics in Health (Alternative Health: Practice and Theory) (2015)
- Review of the Memorandum of Agreement Between the University of Toronto and the Federated Universities (2007)
- Student Access and Financial Aid Reports
- Tri-Campus Framework (2002)
Provostial Guidelines, Practices & Frameworks
The following guidelines, practices, and frameworks were developed by the Office of the Vice-President and Provost as part of the Provost’s role as chief academic officer and chief budget officer and to ensure the implementation of policies approved by the Governing Council. The websites of individual Vice-Provosts include additional guidelines relevant to their areas of responsibility.
- Academic Administrative Procedures Manual (Red Binder)
- Academic Appeals Within Divisions, Policy on
- Academic Integrity Strategy
- Academic Planning, Guidelines on Divisional
- Advisory Bodies, Provost’s Statement on the Role of
- Appointments of Named Chair, Guidelines for the Selection and Approval
- Appointment of Status-Only, Adjunct, and Visiting Professors, Guidelines for
- Cancellation of Classes and/or Closure Due to Adverse Weather Conditions
- Conflicts of Interest and Sexual, Intimate, or Familial Relationships, Guideline for Faculty and Librarians Regarding
- Contracts, Provostial Guideline for Academic Divisions on
- Copyright and Fair Dealing Guidelines
- COVID-19 Policies & Guidelines
- Digital Learning Materials, Provostial Guidelines on the Use of
- Donations, Provostial Guidelines on
- External Researchers Conducting Research Involving Members of the U of T Community, Guideline on
- Extra-Departmental Units (EDU), Guidelines for Administrative Functions and Protocols
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:
- Information and Communication Technology, Appropriate Use of
- Joint Reporting in University Advancement, Provost’s Guideline on
- Nominations of Senior Officers for Institutional Awards, Guidelines on
- Off-Campus Safety:
- Online Assessment Invigilation, Provostial Guidelines on
- Political Canvassing in Residences and Federal Election Issues
- Postdoctoral Fellows, Policy and Procedures for
- Religious Observances, Accommodations for
- Search Committee Principles and Practices
- Setting the University Academic Sessional Dates for Direct Entry Divisions, Principles for
- Social Media Resources and Supports for Faculty Members and Librarians
- Stipend Teaching, Provostial Guidelines on
- Student Evaluation of Teaching in Courses, Provostial Guidelines on the
- Surveying of U of T Students, Faculty, Librarians, Staff, and Alumni by U of T Researchers, Guideline on
- Teaching in Promotion and Tenure Decisions, Provostial Guidelines on Developing Written Assessments of Effectiveness of
- Temporary Use of Space, Procedures for
- Use of Blackboard Organizations for Academic Human Resources, Provost’s Guidelines on
- Use of Divisional Operating Reserves for the Purpose of Matching New Donor Gifts, Guidelines on
- Workload Policy and Procedures for Faculty and Librarians
Governing Council Policies
An exhaustive list of all policies approved by the Governing Council of the University Toronto can be found on their website.
Review of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
In October 2024, the Provost announced that Professor Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life, will be leading a consultation on changes to Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters (CBAM), with the support of the Office of University Counsel.
Read more about the 2024 Review of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
The Final Report of the 2022 Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment was submitted in July, 2022, to the President, Provost, and Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity & Culture. The Report and the University’s Administrative Response were released on July 15, 2022. A review of the Policy is conducted every three years. The last review was conducted in 2019.
Read more about the 2022 Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
Student Mental Health
The Final Report of the Presidential & Provostial Task Force on Student Mental Health was submitted to the Provost and the President in December 2019, and released on January 15, 2020 along with an Administrative Response. The Task Force was mandated to review existing services and programs related to student mental health, and to explore potential new solutions in this area.
Read more about the University’s actions on Student Mental Health.
Vision on Undergraduate Education
After a year-long consultation, the Expert Panel on Undergraduate Student Educational Experience (USEE) released in September 2019 an exciting new vision for the undergraduate experience at the University of Toronto. As a first phase in bringing this vision to life, working groups are in the process of developing action plans to mobilize this vision.
Academic Planning
In early 2011, the Vice-President & Provost established the Advisory Group on Academic Planning, charged with articulating guidelines and identifying best practices for academic planning at the divisional level (Faculties and departments). The Advisory Group’s draft report on the principles and process of academic planning was released in July 2011 and proceeded through governance.
Read more about academic planning.
Gender-Based Salary Equity
The View from 2012
Towards 2030: A Third Century of Excellence at the University of Toronto (2008) set out long-term and overarching goals for the University with respect to matters such as enrolment, the student experience, the three-campus model, and resources. Since September 2011, the University of Toronto community has been engaged in a discussion of how we are following through on Towards 2030. This extensive consultation process included over 40 meetings — town halls on each of the three campuses, sessions with faculty, students, staff, governors, academic administrators, and alumni. Written submissions were also received. Towards 2030: The View from 2012 is the culmination of this process. It assesses the University’s progress towards these long-term goals and identifies the new and ongoing challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Towards 2030: The View from 2012 consists of two documents. The first, Towards 2030: The View from 2012 — A Framework highlights the achievements to date and the new and continuing challenges. The second document, Towards 2030: The View from 2012 — An Assessment of the University of Toronto’s Progress Since Towards 2030 provides a more detailed and sustained analysis of the 2012 context and our progress to date in the areas outlined by Towards 2030.
- Towards 2030: The View from 2012 — A Framework
- Towards 2030: The View from 2012 — An Assessment of the University of Toronto’s Progress Since Towards 2030
Strategic Mandate Agreement (2017–2020)
The University of Toronto reports annually on the progress of our strategic activities in relation to all levels of government, other public sector institutions, the private sector and community partners. Our reports cover key data about the University’s accountability and performance.
Read more about the Strategic Mandate Agreement.
Budget Process & Overview
Developing and managing the University of Toronto operating budget is a huge annual task. It is an iterative process, dependent on consultation and communication. The planning cycle includes many opportunities for input by all members of the University community throughout the year.
See a complete overview of the budget process.
Institutional Memberships
The University of Toronto has a number of Institutional Memberships that are provided by the Office of the Vice-President & Provost and Office of the President. These institutions and associations provide the U of T community with valuable services and resources.
Association of American Universities Data Exchange (AAUDE)
- U of T Contact: Michelle Broderick, Senior Academic Research Analyst, Planning & Budget
Canadian Association of College and University Student Services (CACUSS)
- U of T Contact: Robyn Parr, Executive Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Students
Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS)
- U of T Contact: Brian Desrosiers-Tam, Assistant Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL)
- U of T Contact: Clare Gilderdale, Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Education Advisory Board (EAB)
- U of T Contact – EAB Student Affairs Forum: David Newman, Executive Director, Student Experience
- U of T Contact – EAB Academic Affairs Forum: Toks Weah, Special Projects Officer, Office of the Vice-President & Provost
- U of T Contact – EAB Advancement Forum: Mila Miller, Executive Director, Strategic Planning & Advancement Organizational Development, Division of University Advancement
International Centre for Academic Integrity (ICAI)
- U of T Contact: Meg Connell, Senior Strategist, Office of the Vice-President & Provost
National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)
- U of T Contact: Loretta Ho, Program & Faculty Development Consultant, Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
- U of T Contact: David Newman, Executive Director, Student Experience
Scholars at Risk Network (SAR)
- U of T Contact: Meg Connell, Senior Strategist, Office of the Vice-President & Provost
Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
- U of T Contact: Professor Alison Gibbs, Director, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, Office of the Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education
Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA)
- U of T Contact: Robyn Parr, Executive Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Students