Strategic Mandate Agreement Implementation Committee

The Strategic Mandate Agreement Implementation Committee analyzed the implications of funding formula changes for the University’s budget model, and helped to prepare the University for the institutional negotiation of SMA3. The committee studied the performance metrics announced by the provincial government, and considered aspects of the forthcoming implementation.

Originally, the committee was a table of CAOs considering how we might best implement performance-based funding within the University’s budget model for internal resource allocation under SMA3. The SMA committee recommended the establishment of an ad hoc committee of Deans to support institutional negotiation of SMA3. The group of Deans provided strategic advice on general strategy for SMA3, including the weighting of the metrics.

The committee recommended that the performance-based funding mechanism established by the Province not be rolled out in its entirety at the divisional level. Rather, they recommended that performance-based funding only be applied to divisions where metrics are aligned with the University’s existing academic priorities, and where division-level action can have meaningful impact in decision-making. When the University’s SMA3 is finalized, it will be posted below.


The Strategic Mandate Agreement Implementation Committee will include the following members:

  • Jeff Lennon, Director, Academic Planning & Analysis, Planning & Budget (Chair)
  • Horatio Bot, Director, Financial Services, Faculty of Arts & Science
  • Christine Capewell, Director, Business Services, University of Toronto Mississauga
  • Mary Choi, Assistant Dean, Administration, Faculty of Dentistry
  • Brian Coates, Chief Financial Officer, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
  • Nancy Edwards, Chief Financial Officer, Faculty of Medicine
  • Jeevan Kempson, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, University of Toronto Scarborough
  • Simon Pratt, Director, Policy & Analysis, Planning & Budget

Related Documents & Resources

Terms of Reference — Strategic Mandate Agreement Implementation Committee (July 2018)