Revisions to Guidelines for Stipend Teaching (PDAD&C #40)
PDAD&C #40, 2001-2002
To: Principals, Deans, Academic Directors and Chairs
From: Vivek Goel, Vice-Provost, Faculty
Date: March 8, 2002
Re: Revisions to Guidelines for Stipend Teaching
On August 17, 2001, the Provost wrote to you, outlining a set of guidelines for stipend teaching (PDAD&C #11). Since that time, a number of requests for clarification have arisen. Accordingly, I have revised the Guidelines to alleviate any confusion in their interpretation. A copy of the revised guidelines is attached.
In summary, the changes made involve: i) a correction in the percentage FTE limit for part-time appointments; ii) clarification about the application of these guidelines to retired faculty and professionals employed outside the University but teaching in an adjunct capacity in our programs; and iii) procedures to be followed when stipendiary appointees are teaching in more than one academic unit.
With regard to the last point, this change arises specifically in response to questions about how expenses should be covered when an individual being paid on stipend in one unit moves into the part-time category (at a standard benefit rate of 19.5%) as a result of employment in a second unit. Should the units involved not have pre-arranged to share any additional benefit costs (as noted below), it will be the responsibility of the unit in which the individual assumes the additional duties both to pay these costs and to issue a revised contract to the appointee (with a copy to the home department). The unit which first hired the individual will be responsible for updating HRIS.
In view of the financial implications, chairs are therefore encouraged to ensure that they know whether prospective appointees under these Guidelines have an existing teaching assignment at the University. If units sharing an appointee’s time anticipate that they will again hire the same individual to teach courses in their programs the following year, the heads of the units involved should negotiate an arrangement in which they equally bear the additional benefit costs of a part-time appointment prior to the signing of a contract. On a prospective basis, the unit with the larger proportion of the appointment would normally be responsible for preparing the contract and maintaining the HRIS record, with recovery from the other unit. However, it is recognized that since teaching needs can vary over terms, for continuity purposes, some individuals may have their records maintained in a unit where there is a smaller proportion.
I would appreciate it if you could ensure that business officers are aware of these clarifications to the guidelines. I appreciate the feedback I have received on the implementation of the guidelines and hope that these revisions are helpful. Please contact me at 416.978.6159 if you have any further questions.
Provost’s Guidelines on Stipend Teaching
A stipendiary instructor is someone hired to teach a credit course in a degree program at the University of Toronto, and paid a stipend to do so. The stipend does not include benefits.
A part-time appointment is an academic appointment, at the appropriate rank, of 75% FTE or less under the Policy on Part-time Academic Staff.
A sessional appointment is an academic appointment under the Policy on Part-time Academic Staff, which is either full- or part-time for less than 12 months, normally from September to April.
- A stipendiary instructor may not be hired for more than three academic years in succession without decanal approval.
- No one may be hired to teach more than one full course equivalent in an academic year unless they are appointed as a part-time or sessional faculty member at an appropriate rank, at an appropriate FTE percentage that reflects the full course equivalent load. Calculation of the FTE percentage per course should recognize that those hired to teach occasional courses do not have the normal administrative or research duties of regularly appointed academics. The suggested minimum FTE percentage for a full course is 20%.
- Those appointed part-time may not be hired on a stipendiary basis to do additional teaching or other work. Those who take on additional assignments should have their FTE percentage increased to reflect the additional load. Full-time sessional appointees should not be hired on a stipendiary basis during the period in which they are not employed by the University. Sessional teaching staff who assume additional teaching or other assignments must have their FTE percentage or their period of employment increased accordingly.
- Where teaching is done in more than one academic unit, the faculty member should disclose this so that the University may adjust the FTE percentage in the home unit, with cost recovery from the unit where additional duties are performed. In cases such as these, it will be the responsibility of the unit in which the individual was first hired to ensure that HRIS records are updated and accurate. However, the unit(s) which hire(s) the individual for additional duties will be required to pay the additional benefit costs, unless the heads of each unit have agreed in advance on sharing of these costs.
- Sessional appointees of 25% or more and part-time appointees are eligible for benefits with the University share of the benefits being paid on a pro-rated basis. Sessional appointees who are to be re-appointed may purchase benefits during the months between appointments by paying the full cost of the benefits for those months.
- Retired University of Toronto faculty and individuals who are employed full-time outside the University or self-employed who are asked to teach courses in their area of professional expertise are exempt from these guidelines.